Apr 18 2018 featured

The Horizon Supply HQ is finally seeing some sunshine after what feels like the longest winter ever, so to celebrate we're sharing some of our favourite ways to customise our bright Antivist T-Shirt's ready for summer.

Girls, this first ones for you. Why not take some fabric scissors to our guys/unisex fit t-shirt for an oversized crop. Just mark a faint, straight line in chalk across your desired length and carefully cut away.


For guys and girls alike, you can't beat the classic sleeveless t-shirt. With a piece of chalk draw a curved line from the top of the sleeve to a couple of inches below, down the torso and cut off one of the sleeves. Try it on and make sure you're happy with how the first side fits, as you can always cut away some more if desired. When you're happy with the fit, mirror the curve and remove the 2nd sleeve.


If you don't want to take the scissors to your t-shirt you can always just roll the sleeves and tie at the front to mix it up.
Use #HorizonSupplyCo on Instagram to show us any D.I.Y you do this summer to our merchandise.